The Rare Omega 7 Your Body Has Been Craving For Better Beauty & Health
What are the benefits of Omega-7?
When you think of healthy Omega fats, usually Omega 3 and Omega 9 come to mind, but have you ever heard of Omega 7?
The reason you have probably never heard of this elusive fatty acid is that it is so rare in the plant and animal kingdoms. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at what it can do for your health AND beauty.
I Know 3 & 9, But What’s Omega 7?
Omega 7 fatty acids, also known as palmitoleic acid, are a class of unsaturated fatty acids that are fast gaining a reputation in the health and beauty industry thanks to their fantastic improvement in hair, skin, and nails. (it has pretty astounding health benefits too!)
Keep reading for 7 of the top omega 7 benefits you can expect to experience…
1. Say Goodbye To Chronic Dry Skin, For Good
Omega 7 is fantastic for soothing dry skin conditions. Externally, it will provide the moisture needed to heal chapped, broken skin and provide a healthy barrier to lock this moisture in.
2. Hydrated Mucous Membranes (Dry Eyes, Feminine Dryness, ANY Dryness)
Internally, Omega 7 will provide moisture to the body’s lubrication channels, namely the hair, skin, and nails. It also lubricates the mucous membranes and therefore has been shown to help people suffering from dry eyes, as well as provide relief for women suffering from postmenopausal vaginal dryness.

3. Healthy Gastrointestinal Tract = A Happy Stomach
Issues in the GI tract include problems with digestion, acidity, and ulcers, all of which contribute to many nasty symptoms such as pain and burning in the stomach, and even fatigue.
Omega 7 helps to lubricate the mucous membranes it can help with these common GI issues. You won’t believe the difference in your overall well-being and energy levels when you sort your gut out.
4. Younger Skin Well Into Your Mature Years
Hydration is truly the key to youthful and beautiful skin and omega 7 delivers it in spades. Omega 7 will help to fight inflammation, as well as protect against wrinkles and loss of elasticity for skin that glows with radiant youthfulness.
5. Healthy Heart, Better Than Omega 3
Healthy cholesterol levels are essential for cardiovascular health and omega 7 has shown promise for maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. Omega 7 can also smooth artery passage ensuring artery walls stay strong. Like omega 3 which helps lower bad cholesterol (LDL), omega 7 goes one step further by lowering bad cholesterol and helps raise good cholesterol (HDL).
6. Diabetes Risk Factors & Healthier Weight
Omega 7 may help to prevent diabetes by improving insulin resistance which lowers glucose levels. Omega 7 also fights obesity by reducing the accumulation of fat cells, as obesity is a large risk factor for diabetes.
7. Clear, Breakout Free Skin Where It Matters Most… From The Inside-Out
We’ve mentioned how Omega 7 can fight the signs of aging, but it’s just as beneficial if you suffer from problem skin. Omega 7 has potent anti-inflammatory properties and by reducing inflammation in the skin, you’ll notice a marked improvement in your blemishes.
In conclusion, you might be wondering where exactly you could get Omega 7. Our new Omega Women 3 6 7 9 contains 100% pure sea buckthorn oil and is available now. Shop today! Give your health a boost with Omega-7!