Is Collagen Helpful for Joints?

You’ve read the hype — gelatin, collagen supplements, even bone broth will ease your joints pain. But can collagen supplements or bone broth really help to strengthen your cartilage

What is Collagen?

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the animal kingdom. There are 16 types of collagen, but nearly all the collagen in your body is a type I, II, or III. Types I and III are found in your skin, tendons, organs, and bone. Type II collagen is found in your cartilage – and hence, its link to arthritis.

Collagen is made of amino acids (the building blocks of protein). The idea behind taking these supplements is that your body will use the amino acids to protect and rebuild your joint cartilage.

Collagen for Joints

Collagen makes up articular cartilage, the tissue covering the ends of bones at the joints and allowing them to move smoothly against one another. It is because cartilage deteriorates in osteoarthritis, it’s been thought that if you could give a supplement like a collagen, it would help you regrow cartilage.

Collagen stimulates cartilage growth

Cartilage is a firm, rubbery material that covers the end of bones in joints. Over time, the cartilage wears off due to aging and repeated movement. As a result, tendons and ligaments stretch, and bones rub against each other, causing pain. Collagen provides support for the growth and repair of cartilage tissue and relieves joint inflammation and pain. Boost collagen intake for your body, so you can sustain an active lifestyle and achieve your fitness goals.

Collagen comforts and supports weak joints

Type II collagen is primarily found in joints, which are more prone to wear and tear in areas of the body. When it comes to choosing a joint supplement, look for one that contains collagen as a key active ingredient to support joint comfort, flexibility, and mobility. This is especially beneficial if you experience joint discomfort and pain, are a sports enthusiast, or suffer from arthritis.

Proven effective in supporting and protecting your joint health, collagen looks to be a promising and safe alternative to the common joint supplements out there.


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