5 Benefits of Manjakani For Women

Manjakani or its scientific name Quercus Infectoria is a plant or tree that also has another name such as Oak Tree, Oak Galls, or Mecca Manjakani. For some countries like China, Arab, India, Malaysia, Brunei, and Iran, Manjakani is used in herbal ingredients.

Manjakani is known to have many benefits to the health of women’s intimate organs as well as to address various illnesses of women. One of the functions is to treat fungus and act as a natural ingredient to make the female intimate organs more elastic.


Before we discuss its usefulness, it would be good that we know first about its nutritional contents. Some of the nutrient contents in the fruits, among others, are as follows:

• Vitamin A

• Vitamin C

• Iron

• Protein

• Fibre

• Carbohydrates

• Calcium

• Antioxidants

• Tannic Acid

• Tannin

The benefits of Manjakani

There are many benefits, especially in health, treatment of diseases, and treatment of female organs. Such as:

1. Maintaining The Health of Women’s Intimate Organs

Manjakani has many contents as Mamita has mentioned earlier. Those contents will benefit the female organs. Its usefulness to the female organs includes overcoming excessive fluid, kill bacteria and fungi, make it tighter, and increase the elasticity of the vaginal muscle area. In the past, usually, the fruits will be pounded until smooth. After that, if it is fine, then it will be applied to the female area. Some make a mixture as natural herbal medicine.

2. Tighten Miss V

Manjakani is rich in a substance called Tannin. For the sexual organ, Tannin is a substance that is believed to tighten the membrane and the vaginal wall. In the medical world, the effect is named the Astringent effect.

The Tannins are obtained when the Manjakani leaves are exposed to reactions from the breeding of the wasp larvae lying on the leaves. Then it triggers a chemical reaction due to the eggs attached to the leaves, allowing the leaves to inhibit the growth of fungi, bacteria, and viruses.

The effects of Manjakani leaves have actually been tested and published in a Pharmacology journal. The Pharmacological journal recorded that Manjakani extract contains nutrients and compounds such as vitamins A & C, Carbohydrates, Iron, Calcium, Antioxidants, Piperonylic, Gallic acid, Ellagic acid, proteins and fibers that have anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, anti-microbial, and Astringent. Indeed, this is a natural and different way of operating procedures that are now commonly performed.

3.Treat Dry Miss V

According to an expert named Prof. Dr. Hembing Wijayakusuma, in addition to overcoming Leucorrhoeareduced fluids, and improving female organs’ elasticity, Manjakani can also overcome dry Miss V. However, for its use, it is not just enough to consume it. It takes several ways and mixture with certain suitable herbs for the treatment.

4. Family Planning Contraception

In Aceh, Manjakani is usually used as a contraceptive tool for family planning. Although it also has the properties to heal wounds, it is also sometimes processed and made to delay the pregnancy.

5.Treating Cysts

One of the benefits of Manjakani fruits in terms of healing disease is to overcome Cyst disease. Normally, it is usually mixed with some other natural ingredients, such as Eucalyptus, young betel nut, spices, white turmeric, and betel. It is one of the recipes called Jamu Manjakani Aceh.

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