Understanding osteoarthritis: The DO’s and DON’Ts

What is osteoarthritis?

A lifetime of walking, exercising, and moving can take a toll on your cartilage — the smooth, rubbery connective tissue covering the ends of bones. The degeneration of cartilage can cause chronic inflammation in the joints, which may lead to arthritis.Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis. OA is also known as degenerative joint disease.

You can do many things to help knee pain, whether it is due to a recent injury or arthritis you’ve had for years.We have picked some of the best dos and don’ts to help your knees feel their best.

Dos and Don’ts

Don’t rest too much.

Too much rest can weaken your muscles, which can worsen joint pain. Find an exercise that is safe for your knees and stick with it. If you are not sure which motions are safe or how much you can do, talk with your doctor or a physical therapist.

Do exercise.

Cardio exercises strengthen the muscles that support your knee and increase flexibility. Weight training and stretching do, too. For cardio, some good choices include walking, swimming, water aerobics and stationary cycling. Tai Chi may also help ease stiffness and improve balance.

Don’t risk a fall.

A painful or unstable knee can make a fall more likely, which can cause more knee damage. Lessen your risk of falling by making sure your home is well lit, using handrails on staircases, and using a sturdy ladder or foot stool if you need to reach something from a high shelf.

Don’t overlook your weight.

If you’re overweight, losing weight reduces the tension on your knee. You don’t even need to get to your “ideal” weight. Smaller changes still make a difference.

Don’t be shy about using a walking aid.

A crutch or cane can take the stress off your knee. Knee splints and braces can also help you stay stable.

Do use “RICE.

Rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE) is good for knee pain caused by a minor injury or an arthritis flare. Give your knee some rest, apply ice to reduce swelling, wear a compression bandage, and keep your knee elevated.

Do consider acupuncture.

This form of traditional Chinese medicine, which involves inserting fine needles at certain points on the body, is widely used to relieve many types of pain and may help knee pain.

Don’t let your shoes make matters worse.

Cushioned insoles can reduce stress on your knees. For knee osteoarthritis, doctors often recommend special insoles that you put in your shoe. To find the appropriate insole, speak with your doctor or a physical therapist.

Do supple your health with Superfood

Superfoods‘ are all the rage, popularized by consumers turning to nutrient-rich fruits, seeds and leafy greens to maintain health and wellness. They are so advanced now that it is even served in a form of capsules which is also known as health supplements. Health supplements can be consumed daily to enhance and boost your well-being. Thus, you may add in supplement intake to your lifestyle.

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