Do you know someone who is suffering from coronary heart disease? Or do you suspect yourself to have symptoms of a heart disease?
The coronary heart disease is viewed as a modern epidemic that is actively affecting many parts of the world, including Singapore.
According to research, it was recorded that almost 1 in 3 Singaporean deaths is caused by heart disease or stroke.
What is Coronary Heart Disease?
Coronary heart disease is the gradual accumulation of fatty deposits along the walls of our hearts’ arteries. These blood vessels are called coronary arteries.
They function to transport oxygenated blood to our hearts.
Thus, when the coronary arteries have fatty deposits accumulating and narrowing the passage way of the blood, it naturally becomes more difficult for the blood (consisting oxygen and nutrients) to reach the heart. This is a danger for us when we are relaxing.
Coherently, it becomes more of a danger when we are exercising, and our hearts require oxygenated blood as much and as fast as possible.
Coronary heart disease is considered to be the most prevalent type of heart disease.
It has the potential to cause interference in carrying out our daily tasks and most importantly, cause sudden death due to a heart attack.
From here we wonder: what are the causes of such a dangerous heart disease?
What Causes it?
- Hypertension
- High blood cholesterol
- Smoking
- Diabetes
- Long-term immoderate drinking
What Are The Symptoms?
The bitter truth about coronary heart disease is that, unlike many other diseases, it does not show evident symptoms. It is a silent killer that attacks the body in a subtle manner.
You will not be certain if you suffer from coronary heart disease until you go for a medical check-up.
Despite that, doctors have analysed common indicators in patients suffering from coronary heart disease.
They are:
- Chest pain (angina)
Chest pain or medically known as angina, is the discomfort felt around the chest area in the occasion where the heart muscle does not receive enough oxygenated blood. Angina feels as though the chest is being compressed. This occurs when the patient’s emotional and mental stability is provoked.
- Shortness of breath
Many patients face difficulty in breathing. This happens as insufficient amount of blood is being pumped to the heart then other parts of the body. Extreme fatigue may come alongside shortness of breath.
- Heart attack
In many cases, a completely blocked coronary artery has led to a heart attack. The indicators of a heart attack comprise an excruciating pain weighing the chest down and numbness in your arm areas, coupled with intense perspiring and trouble breathing.
How Do You Prevent it?
The Singapore government has emphasised the importance of going for periodical medical check-ups.
One of the biggest aims to this initiative is to help their citizens identify any internal diseases within them at an early stage.
An early diagnosis can be viewed as a second chance for the patient. Aligned with the infamous quote “prevention is better than cure,” medical check-ups allow you to see young symptoms in your body and deter your health from getting worse.
- Regular heart screening with cardiologists
Cardiologists are doctors who specialize in the study or treatment of heart diseases and heart abnormalities.
You should not be shy to arrange an appointment with them as it is for your own health’s sake.
- Taking medication and health supplements
Medications such as aspirin, clopidogrel, statins and warfarin are medical drugs that are often prescribed to heart patients.
They are designated to thin the blood. This eases the blood flow and reduce the potential of blood clot occurring in the coronary arteries, eventually deterring heart attacks.
- Disciplining lifestyle
Generally, how you carry out your life determines your wellbeing status. Disciplining yourself on major risk factors may save you.
You should quit smoking and exercise regularly.
The exercise routines do not necessarily have to be vigorous or intense. It is enough to get the body moving and perspire.
Alongside that, you should also take care of your diet.
Ensure to cut down on high-cholesterol meals and consume foods that are good for the heart as well as blood flow. These foods include berries, oatmeal, flaxseeds and fish high in omega-3s.