4 Steps to Get Razor Sharp Memory

Not only for the sole purpose of avoiding early struck of dementia and Alzheimer but enhancing brain capability and memory power are essential for everyone; both young and old. Working requires memorizing, studying requires memorizing, even playing requires memorizing. An active memory remembering skill depends on the wellbeing and vitality of your brain.

Since memory is closely inclined to the study of the brain, it is important to know that the brain is the command center for the human nervous system, a complex organ sitting in our skulls. It receives input from the sensory organs and deliver instructions to the muscles. In other words, it is constantly dealing with uncountable messages from our surroundings as well as from within our own bodies then giving commands to selected muscles. There are several prominent strategies that have been proven feasible in improving your memory and mental performance.

STEP #1 – Train the Brain

Since the world has become increasingly progressive practically and intellectually, it is important to not let our brain capabilities remain stagnant. Train it to constantly develop. Training does not necessarily have to be dull and torturous. As a fun yet beneficial pastime, playing brain-cracking games and watching mind-boggling television shows can be forms of training the controlling organ. It keeps the brain operative and attentive, tackling hence expanding its thinking and memorizing abilities. What’s more, exposing ourselves to different types of receiving and maintaining information helps too: making our notes into a song, creating a mental image of a verbal list etc. However, do not overstrain the brain as it might upset it, causing malfunctions to bodily and mental tasks.

STEP #2 – Outside Affects the Inside Vice Versa

 We are a highly complex organism. What we do physically affects us internally. In order to boost our memory, we must also balance our physical training. Practise aerobic exercises as they keep the blood pumping to the brain. Whatever benefits the body and heart serves as a supplement for the brain. Take practical movements to sustain learning and memory skills. Another known exercise is laughing as it is scientifically proven to improve short-term memory loss. Identify and treat health problems.


STEP #3 – Get Plenty of Sleep

Prepare a sleep schedule. Be sure to save yourself an adequate amount of sleep. Set a specific time to sleep and rise. Follow your routine and avoid breaking it even on weekends and holidays. Do take note to avoid all screens for at least an hour before bed. The blue light emitted by gadgets wakes the brain and suppresses hormones (e.g. melatonin) that is supposed to make you sleepy. Importantly, reduce the amount of caffeine intake.

STEP #4 – Feed the Brain

Studies found that dietary consumptions high in saturated fat increase your risk of dementia and impair concentration and memory. From this, we can learn to avoid overeating foods like fatty beef, lambs, butter and cheese. To circumvent, scientists have concluded that intermittent fasting is a helpful brain-boosting diet. Fasting is able to redirect your body to burning fats instead of sugar. It will deteriorate your general calorie consumption in the long run. At the same time, it activates brain cell growth and connectivity, empowering memorizing capabilities.

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