Exercising in Public Transports? Try These 5 Simple Workouts

Taking the transport does not exempt you from carrying out exercises. Although you might assume traveling restricts you to being stationary, with these following routines, you will learn that you can still maintain your body mobility whilst commuting!

#1 – Striding or brisk walking

Before even getting onto your transportation, you should get started by striding or brisk walking towards the station. Get your blood running and your muscles warm are good starting points. If you wish to be more active, you may jog your way to the station.

#2 – Calf raises

Amidst waiting for the bus or train, you can do simple stretches. The most feasible workout is calf raises. Lift yourself onto your toes and hold the position for 10 seconds. You should feel a stretch along your calf. For balance, you can rest your palms against a wall or hold on to a pole.

#3 – Standing

If you are going to spend the rest of your day sitting in class or in the office, this is your time to tone your legs by standing!Although empty seats are usually tempting, try to stand instead. Keep your posture right and grip on to a pole for balance. Even better, flex your stomach and leg muscles to gain stability when the vehicle is turning or braking.

These are a few forms of exercise you may carry out when you are sitting in the vehicle:

#4 – Clenching and relaxing

When sitting, you may focus more energy onto your hands and feet. Clench your fists intently for 10 seconds then relax. Afterwards, clench your toes for 10 seconds then let them relax. Repeat these steps thrice consecutively.

Similarly, you may do it with your whole leg and arm muscles. Contract your muscles for 10 seconds and ensure they feel tense throughout. Afterwards, relax them. You may also shake them lightly after they have relaxed.

If you wish to be more active, you may do pedalling movements with your legs while you are sitting.

#5 – Stretching

When there is no one in front of you, you may stretch out your legs and perform isometric exercises. You may also do this with your arms and hands. This way, your physical muscles will gradually become more flexible and strong.

Another muscle you should pay attention to is your neck area. Stretch your neck muscles from left to right for a few seconds on each side. Rotate your head in circular motions to ease any tension within that area.

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