Finding Balance as a New Mom

When nearing parenthood, we have all been told by other parents that you will not get your life back. All the scaring and negative talk about early parenthood, however, will not prepare you for what is to come. How we wished that people would normalize parenting and know that it is doable! Life may be different, but not necessarily worse.

The arrival of a new baby can be messy and momentous, especially for new moms. If you find the right balance, soon enough you will be in control of your life again. When people talk about balance they’re often talking about work and life balance. While this is important, it’s nearly impossible to get without finding inner balance first. Here are some tips to regain control of your health and lifestyle.

Stay Active
Did working out came to mind when you read the word active? While it is better if you could make time for some workout, many moms find that difficult. However, staying active is not immediately cancelled. Being active simply means to move your body and practise more movements in your daily routine. It could be a walk to the grocers, a stroll in the park, dancing with your partner, or even house chores. Doing something physical keeps your heart rate up and your blood running. This stimulates endorphins – feel-good hormones – into the bloodstream.

Brain Stimulation
With so much of your brainpower consumed by the needs of a baby, it can be tough to pull away from thoughts of breastfeeding, diapers and sleep, and into something that can feel more stimulating. It is important to not lose your interests while at it. Keep your hobbies and interests with you by listening to podcasts, reading articles or read books that are non-parenting related. This way you will not lose your interests that defined you before being a mom. Your mind will be fresher if you could take a break from parenting.

Talk to Someone
For stay-at-home moms, new parenthood can be really isolating but being social is an essential part of being human. While an in-person date with a friend or partner is often the most filling and balancing, sometimes that’s just not possible. Luckily for us, technology has made it easier to reach out to our friends and family. If you’re not finding the support and connection you need, you may want to seek out some parenting groups online or locally. Sometimes connecting with someone who can relate to your current worries and struggles can make them seem more manageable.

Make Time for Self-Care
Remember to prioritise yourself on some days and make time for yourself alone. Ask for your partner or family to take over mom-duties occasionally. It is not wrong or selfish to ask for some time-off. Trust in your partner or family is also crucial for you to take your mind of parenting. Spending alone time can be as simple as reading a book, going shopping or participating in your hobbies. But whatever you do, know that doing something for you will help you find the balance you’re seeking.

When you’re missing out on sleep and struggling with parenting challenges, you may feel like there is no possible way of finding balance. Part of feeling more balanced is coming to terms with the fact that it is always a work in progress. Finding inner balance as a mom takes time, effort, and a commitment to making sure you’re taking care of you.

When you do your best to meet your essential needs every day, you’ll be better able to take charge of your life and care for your brand-new baby.

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